Want to make your town festival a memorable crowd pleaser ?
We know how.
Here at Woolly, we live, work, and play here in the Greater Dayton - Springfield region. We’ve been to many of our local events for 40+ years. We love them all and know exactly what we can do take them to the next level.
Taking your town, city, or village event to the next level can pay dividends of a lifetime for your community, and those that are drawn in. It’s a… mammoth ;) community win for patrons creating memories, small business sales within the community, and happy sponsors receiving real value. One of the easiest ways to enhance an annual, new or perhaps to reinvigorate your events is within the service of a professional mobile stage presence. Imagine the last big music fest you went to and the undeniable attention the stage demanded. You and the crowd loved it, and so did the performers! Now, scale that down to fit your town square, fairgrounds, park, or the cool alley way you’ve imagined an event at. Woolly Stage Company prides themselves on helping communities take their cherished events to the next level.
Maybe you’ve used “stick built” stages or platforms and tents in the past. Some towns have even fashioned old farm trailers into makeshift stages. We’ve been to those local events! Imagine how the presence of a proper mobile stage can enhance the esthetics and vibe of your local festival! Not to mention how those on the stage love it!
We understand that a lot of times it comes down to limited budgets or lack of sponsors to take your events to the next level. That’s not an issue with Woolly. Our stage rentals are comparable in price to what you’ve used in the past! It’s true! We see it often! Furthermore, our banner packages bring a staggering value to entice your local sponsors! Enough where the banner package alone can often pay for the stage investment by itself! Imagine a local sponsor(s) being center stage on a banner that’s up to 32’ long, draping the top of the stage 17’ high!